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Many people, myself included, have been in training for the next move of God for a long time. Some just started and they are being given opportunities before me, as I inquired about this, the Lord said, some positions, only need a High School diploma, while others need a Bachelors, Masters or even a PhD. Depending on the level of leadership the Lord is going to have you be involved in is determined by the amount of schooling you need for that position. I have been in this training period for 14 years. 4 years in revival training, 9 years in desert training in Malaysia and now going on 2 years in more training.

At times it can feel like God has forgotten you, or that you have missed the mark, some may even think they have sinned, or been passed over, but the Lord told me that it is training for the position He has prepared for you. God knows how much we can handle, He knows what we will steward well without falling out of love with Him, He knows us so well, so He is training us based on His knowledge of us. But, what are we being trained in. Most people that go to school are looking for a position, more money, a title, upon their completion of school, but with God and His kingdom, that is not what He is after.

Completion on whatever level in the kingdom of God is going to have you coming out with an understanding of the character of God. We are not being trained how to plant a church, run great board meetings, or even how to write and present a sermon, rather the training we are in is for the understanding of the character, the unchanging nature of God. Many people are trained in programs, we are being trained in the character of a person, Yahweh, Jehovah, Elohim, the I AM.

I just had a class with God on the subject of His goodness. He told me that He can only be good. I said, how is that possible, He said, I have no other option but to be good, I have given myself no other choice. He went on to say, Satan can only be bad, he can only do evil, he was created this way, he has no other choice, but to do evil. I said, then how am I created in Your image if you don’t have a choice, but I do. The Lord said, I had to create you with a choice between believing Me or believing Satan, because if I did not give you a choice, but just made you like me, then it is not love.

The Lord went on to explain to me that we are the most powerful creation He made, because we are the only ones who have a choice. We do not have a lot of choices, we have 1 of 2 choices. We can choose God or Satan, good or evil, blessings or curses, life or death, love or hate. (Deuteronomy 28). He gave us the power of choice, because love demands we choose. I was blown away by this revelation. God can only do good, He only thinks good things about me, He only has good things planned for me. (Jeremiah 29:11). This understanding of God has revolutionized my life, because now I know the source of thoughts and realize more clearly the enemies goal is to get me to doubt the goodness of God. Oh the lessons being learned as I am getting a PhD. In the character of God.