We live in a world that has 24-hour access to every situation that happens on the planet. Some stories rise faster than others, like the London Terrorist Attack, the Pulse Night Club Shooting, the San Bernardino Shooting, or the Nice, France terrorist attack. Some have said that with so many things happening so often, we are going to become numb to the reality of terror, death and destruction, but actually the opposite is true. We are made in the image of a living God (Genesis 1:26); who came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8), which are to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10); so no I am not numb to all that I see and hear, I am grieved, I am concerned and I am unable to hold back my thoughts on what is happening. The issue is not political, financial, or even social, the issue is the same one the Apostle James and King Solomon spoke of. We have been warned about it over and over again, yet we seem to misunderstand the power it carries. The issue I speak of is our tongue!
We live in a words made world. People are angry because of words they are hearing. People are deeply wounded, not because sticks and stones broke their bones, but because the words that were spoken over them, about them or to them have hurt them. Words are the issue the nations are dealing with. Words that come out of the mouths of politicians and pastors alike; words that parents and peers speak; words that are written on Facebook, in magazines, in newspapers or on billboards and placards. Words that are permeating our radios, televisions and movie screens. Words are containers of power, what you speak is powerful. We remember Martin Luther King Jr.’s words to this day, “I have a dream!” We can hear the words of Jesus when He cried out with a loud voice, “It is finished!” We can quote the words we said on our wedding day, “I do!” or heard in the hospital room at the birth of our first child, “It’s a girl/It’s a boy”. Words, they create images for us, they tell stories to us, they build us up and they tear us down. King Solomon was right when he said, “the power of life and death is in the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). 
Words are so powerful that once you speak them out, you can’t take them back, no matter how many times you say you are sorry. Words penetrate so deep, that people in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond are still carrying around words that were spoken to them in their childhood. So, with words being this powerful, why are we not more careful with what we say? Why do we not put a guard on our mouths like the psalmist said in Psalm 141:3? Why do we think we can portray in a music video or magazine shoot, the assassination of our president and those words have no consequence? Who told us we can say what we want under oath and go free? Where did we learn that we can say whatever we want about whoever we want and then think it will not impact those who are listening to us? Where did we lose our ability as leaders in politics, pulpits and parental roles to hold our tongue, choose our words carefully and not spew death over those who hear our voice? Have we forgotten people are listening to us when we speak and that microphones and media amplify what we say? 
It is shocking to me to have people who sow words of death, to be shocked when someone who was a campaign manager for their political party opens fire at a softball field at 7am in the morning. It is surprising to me when we expect respect from our children when we show no respect for our President. It causes me to scratch my head when I hear people continually blasting people because of the color of their skin or the amount of money they make. But then I remember, we have raised a generation on the belief that we evolved from monkeys rather than were created by a living God. You see words have power and those in leadership have to realize that we are living a world that their words made. So to be shocked by behavior of people who are losing their minds because we have told them there is no God, should not be surprising. 
The truth is, if words can destroy our lives the way they do, then words have the power to build our lives. Romans 12:1-2 says, do not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will be able to discern what the will of God is, His good, perfect and pleasing will.” If we change the way we speak, we will change the world in which we live. God is about to raise up word warriors, who carry the truth of the gospel of the kingdom in their mouth, because we live in a words made world and we are in desperate need for life, light and love to invade our lives again. Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God spoke the most powerful words we could ever hear, when He said, “I did not come to be served, but to serve and give my life as a ransom for many! (Mark 10:45). There are many that need to hear the words of a loving Father who gave His one and only begotten son, so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). 
When Christian leaders, parents and people begin to speak life, we will change the world in which we live, because Genesis 1 reveals to us that we live in a words made world. Our words are our responsibility and knowing how far those words travel is difficult to determine, so it is best to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry (James 1:19), because our words are containers of power and you don’t know who is listening and how you are impacting them by what you say. Speak life!