Six to seven years ago, the Lord sent me on a prophetic adventure based on a headline dream a friend of mine had which said, “Higginsville Woman Found Dead”. How this headline turned into a prophetic adventure is a story in and of itself. In true God fashion it led to a multi-location declaration destination in which I was to find a certain location and make a Psalm 24 declaration. He told me when all 12 locations were visited and the Psalm 24 declaration was made at each location, it would unlock debt cancellation for the nation.

Jubilee is what the Lord told me to decree. I remember when I was at the final location in Bethesda, MD, making the Psalm 24 decree and when I said, it is finished, I made one more blow on the shofar and decreed Jubilee. This was the year 2019 when I completed this prophetic adventure. Now 5 years later it is 2024 and I am sent an article from a friend this morning that says, US-Saudi Petrodollar Pact Ends After 50 Years. I immediately say out loud, JUBILEE!!!! When you have history with God, when you do by obedience what you don’t understand in the moment, God remembers more than we do, so when an article like this is sent to me in 2024 (Psalm 24 year); the Lord winks at me in order to remind me, the prophetic adventure He sent me on was not in vain.

Friends, church, there is so much that goes on that we do not know. The news is 24 hours a day but the number of stories they share is few, so you hear the same story from different broadcasters all day long. But with God He gives you the news before it becomes news and then circles back and sends an echo to confirm what He told you was Him. Today is a circle back day for me and really good news for our nation as the Lord is decreeing Babylon is falling and Jubilee. I see debt cancellation for a nation and it started with my friend Autumn’s dream. God is moving in a reformation way that is changing everything and I am so excited. Jubilee is what I see.