Who told you the darkness is getting darker? Who told you the end is going to be death and destruction? Who told you that you want to be raptured out of here? Who said? Doctrines of men distort the word of truth. Doctrines of men must keep you afraid in order to control you. The gospel of the kingdom the word of truth, sets you free and will never seek to control you with fear. Our Father in heaven is not a fear monger who is trying to control you, He is a Father who loves you and wants to set you free. Our God is not insecure, He is Lord of everything. He does not need anything from us, but He receives gifts from us. Oh the wonder and majesty of our God, there is truly no one like Him. It is time to leave the doctrines of men and come into the kingdom of God.

I was reading 1 John this morning and on more than one occasion it says, “The world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.” (1 John 3:10) It does not say the earth is passing away, it does not say people are passing away, it does not say truth is passing away. Actually John makes it clear, darkness is diminishing not increasing and the world is passing away not the kingdom. The doctrines of men have taught us the end is going to be disaster, destruction, disease, and demise for people, but we are going to be raptured out of here so it won’t happen to us. What preacher of death and destruction wants to die or live during a tribulation? Not one! But they sure do scare people with their teachings and what is shocking is we sow financially into bad news and then wonder why we have little to no joy of the Lord.

Here is the truth, which is good news. The Hebrews never were waiting for life in the sweet bye and bye, they believed in eternal life on earth as it is in heaven. They believed in the light shining in the darkness and the darkness not being able to overcome it. They believed they were more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. They saw a resurrected Christ and they knew what we don’t, things are getting better because Christ rose from the dead not worst. Break out of the prison of men’s fear based theology and come into the kingdom of God that is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. There is abundant life in the kingdom of God!