Money….everyone worldwide wants more money. I lived in Malaysia for nine years and whenever I would encounter a Malaysian and they heard I was an American, they would say, America, I want to go to America. I asked them why do you want to go to America? The answer consistently was because Americans are rich. I smiled every time, because I realized rich is a perspective and if you are a taxi driver in Malaysia who rides a motorbike to work, Americans are rich. But if you are an American living in Malaysia as a missionary living on $500 a month, you are not considered rich by your home country, America.

Snatch thieves, robbers, even watch any court show on television and you realize people are in pursuit of money at any cost. It is heartbreaking to me on these court shows when you see family members in court over money. People, lie, steal, cheat all for money. People apply for disability when they are not disabled all for money. People stay on food stamps long after they need them all for money. People have credit card debt over their heads all because of money. Can you imagine life apart from money’s noose around your neck? Can you even begin to dream of the freedom of a life not worried about money? Most can’t. My husband says, people spend their health to get wealth and then they have to spend their wealth to take care of their health. Oh friends, it was never God’s intent for us to live in pusuit of money.

Proverbs 21 says, “The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a snare of death.”

When we compromise our integrity for the sake of money it is two things: one a fleeting vapor, it is a chasing after the wind; two it is a trap that leads to death. Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come to give you life and life abundantly.” (John 10:10) When you know your God is abundance, Your Father in heaven will help you, the snare of death has no power of you. Friends, we are not poor if we know the God of abundance. I am not rich because I am an American, I am rich because I am daughter whose Dad is the King of kings!!!!