Two of my favorite things are the word of God and the people of God. They are also the two things I value the highest. I was listening to Johnny Enlow on Elijah Streams yesterday and he was speaking into the current pulpit cleansing we are seeing happening in the body of Christ right now. I loved how he shared truth with grace about the situation currently happening in this historic hour.

For you that know me, you know I am always listening for an echo in order to hear the establishment of what God is saying or doing through prophetic voices. This morning, I was praying Psalm 82 and the echo was so loud it was undeniable. Here is the words of God establishing what the man of God, Johnny Enlow was saying. Psalm 82:1-4 “God takes His stand in His own congregation; He judges in the midst of the rulers. How long will you judge unjustly And show partiality to the wicked? Selah. Vindicate the weak and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.”

I don’t look for scriptures to support an idea, thought or argument, I believe the Holy Spirit is the perfect point guard (basketball term) and He passes the word right in front of us as we are walking with Him. As I prayed this psalm today, I knew the Lord was revealing for the sake of healing; eradicating wickedness and establishing righteousness; and pulpit cleansing for the sake of pasture healing.

We will see more summer cleansing as the months go by. Psalm 82:5 says, “All the foundations of the earth are shaken.” If you know anything about foundation repair, it is needed for the building to be secure. God is repairing the foundations of the church and its leaders, for we have had cracks for many years. It may get messy, but the mess is for the making of a church without spot or wrinkle for that is what the Lord is worthy of. This is the Lord’s doing and He is a master builder, we can trust He knows what He is doing.