Who Do You Follow?

Have you ever stopped to think about who you follow? I know you have heard the phrase, “Follow the money”; or you have heard people say, “I followed my kids”; or maybe you have even been told you are to “Follow your husband”; and some churches even quote the Apostle Paul and say “Follow me as I follow Christ”. So many choices of who to follow, but the question the Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning was, “Who do people follow?”

As I pondered this question, I realized people follow celebrities, sports teams, the stock market, the news, but how many people are answering the call Jesus gave the disciples when He said, “Come Follow Me”. We have the desire and ability inside of us to “follow” someone, but the challenge is when we follow anyone but the Lord, we will end up hurt, disappointed and mad if the person we followed does not lead us to where we were created to go.

Jesus said of the disciples in Luke 5 “When they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him (Jesus).” It goes on to say in the same chapter, “After that He (Jesus) went out and noticed a tax collector named Levi sitting in the tax booth, and He said to him, Follow Me! And Levi left everything behind, and got up and began to follow Him.”

People leave everything behind for a job, for grandkids, for a spouse, but who is willing to leave everything behind to follow Jesus? No where in the word of God are we called to follow a spouse, a pastor, a celebrity, money, a job, there is only one person we are called to leave everything behind and follow and that is Jesus Christ. We get into so many challenges in life all because we are trying to follow someone or something other than Jesus. Friends, He is the One who created you, called you and knows exactly what will satisfy you. You know how to follow, the challenge is you have never left everything behind to follow Him. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose if only you would follow Him. I hear His voice calling out, “Follow Me!”