I was at a stop sign near my house this morning and there was an older woman standing out in the heat with a sign in her hand asking for help. I was in the far lane, but the man in the Jeep in the near lane, had his window down and he was praying for her as I pulled up along side of him. As we sat at the red light, he finished his prayer and then opened his wallet and handed her a business card first and then some cash second. I was glued to everything this man was doing for this woman, because it was the kingdom of God at work on Mack Hatcher in Franklin, TN.

For so many years we have kept the kingdom in the pews of our denominational churches; on the prayer floors of our charasmatic churches; or in the stained glassed windows of our cathedrals. But the kingdom of God is not built with the hands of men, it is built inside of us by the power of God. I will never know the name of the man that I watched intently this morning, but in the same breath I will never forget that I saw the kingdom of God at hand in his actions.

He first prayed for the woman, next he gave her a business card, and finally he handed her cash. That is how the kingdom looks in everyday life. He gave her a spiritual hand up with his prayer; he gave her a support of some kind hand up with his business card; and he gave her a financial hand up with his cash. I have seen people pray for others, I have seen people give cash to others, but to see all three coming out of that man today, did something to my heart for that woman. I saw the kingdom of God at work.

I am so thankful we are done with in the building we call church, only, ministry. I am so thankful we can meet in homes and discuss a book with fellow believers; we can float down a river with friends and family; we can buy the person behind us a coffee in the Starbucks drive thru; and we can pray for healing over the lady at Food Lion. The kingdom of God is at hand and it is such a great time to be alive!