When I first got saved, I did not know much about my Bible, so when I was asked to preach and was given a subject, I would research the word in the conference title, like one I spoke at was, Hearts on Fire, so I researched fire. I found verses to fit the theme and preached my face off, not realizing I was just splashing around in the kiddy pool of the spirit. The more mature I get, the more I read my Bible not for a sermon to preach, a blog to write or a word to give, but I do it because I love learning about God. The word of God is a network of truth that zigs and zags, crosses over generations and book titles. Whether I am in the New or Old Testament, Genesis or 1 John, the truth overlaps everywhere and the Bible confirms the Bible. My opinion is not needed and actually it just muddies the water of truth when I try to insert it into what the word is saying on any given day.

I love the word of God. I love my Bible. As I was praying this morning, the Lord led me from Psalm 89 where it talks about righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne, to Genesis 14 where Abram defeats four kings and then gives a tenth of everything to Melchizedek, king of righteousness and in Genesis 15 is given a covenantal promise of generations and possession of lands. I then I am reading in Nehemiah 9 and it speaks about the exact same thing Genesis 15 was talking about. I didn’t go looking for this, but it is telling one story, that many voice past and present are speaking. The Lord Most High is pouring out abundance in measures we have never seen or heard of before. The wealth transfer train has left the station and I can hear the sound of this training barreling down the tracks even right now.

Nehemiah 9:23-25 says, “You multiplied their children as the stars of heaven, and you brought them into the land that you had told their fathers to enter and possess. So the descendants went in and possessed the land. And they captured fortified cities and a rich land, and took possession of houses full of all good things, cisterns already hewn, vineyards, olive orchards and fruit trees in abundance. So they ate and were filled and became fat and delighted themselves in your great goodness.”

Friends, the train of His robe is filling the temple and all inside are crying glory (Isaiah 6) and the train of the wealth transfer is carrying cargo of people, possessions and land that has been taken back from the enemy and will be given back to you. I can hear the sound of the goodness of God running towards us at break neck speed. I am not the only one hearing this, but I too am hearing it, for I did not go looking for it, it found me today and I cannot deny what I hear.