
About two months ago, while I was in prayer, I sensed I was moved from one world to another. As I was meditating on this “feeling” I was having, the Lord spoke to me and said you just went through the narrow gate which leads to life. I immediately got out my Bible and looked up this verse, I found it in Matthew 7:13-14, which says, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” What the Lord highlighted to me is that this was a gate, it was a place to pass through and that I had so narrowed my life, by being obedient to His voice in both big and small matters, that I had now entered into life. In this experience, I pictured myself going through this very narrow gate and once through, I was in this other world, but my back was against the gate, for everything was new to me.

2-3 weeks into this new realm of existence, I began to “feel” like I don’t fit anywhere, anymore. I would go to church, but things they said did not resonate with this new existence; I would listen to friends talk and I felt like I was an alien; I would go to work and my heart would break for people like never before. This was all brand new to me, then I heard a sermon by TD Jakes while at the gym and he said, when you enter a new realm, don’t speak about things you know nothing about, listen, learn and let others lead you. So, I did not try to figure out what I was doing or what was going on, all I knew is that I had entered LIFE.

Now 5-6 weeks into this, listening, learning, loving, I called my friend Prophet Ron McGatlin and told him what I was experiencing and asked him what he thought was going on with me. He said I had joined the ranks of those who had crossed over into the kingdom age. He went on to share about the love of God that is so pure and unadulterated; he spoke of loving people; losing the desire for position, preaching and promotions; he spoke about others who have crossed over, entered in, were experiencing the same thing. My heart was burning, I knew this was God, I knew this was what had happened to me, but I knew I was struggling to trust God. My back was still against the wall of this gate, I was in, but I was not operating, flowing, enjoying what  was hearing. It was like I was watching it all happen around me, but God was inviting me to join in. As I shared this with Ron, he said, yes someone else we both know was struggling with the same thing. I then went on to tell him, I feel like I am on the edge of a cliff and every time the Lord says, 1…2…3… I back away, afraid to jump. He said, yes, but know perfect love casts out all fear, His love is perfect, there is nothing to fear.

I got off the phone with Ron and I cried out to the Lord and asked Him to reveal to me what was holding me back, why was I afraid to jump. The Lord said, Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” There it was again, that word trust. I thought I had trusted God, I thought since being a Christian for 25 years, that I trusted Him, but He kept saying, this is a trust issue. Then as I allowed the love of God to penetrate my inner most being, He unearthed the truth, that I did not trust Him. He said to me, “I wouldn’t say it, if I wasn’t going to do it.” Immediately, I remembered the verse in Numbers 23:19 that says, “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” When I saw that I did not trust the One I loved so much, and heard Him speak these words, my heart melted in His presence, I wept and wept and got up and jumped off that cliff.

I have never experienced peace like this, love like this, joy like this, courage like this, it is almost hard to describe. There is an ease with which things happen, there is no rush, it is a rest like I have never known. As I watch the birds fly in the sky, I now understand the ease with which they soar, allowing the wind to carry them here and there; when I listen to the sound of the river flowing over the rocks, I now understand the strength of creation; and when I sit in the silence of the evening hours or the early daybreak, I now comprehend what it felt like to walk with God in the garden of Eden. Scripture has taken on a whole new light for me, life has been put in perspective, and there is only one pursuit I have, to know Him more.

I am 2 months into this journey and walking on water is my new normal. I have so much more to share, but there is time to do that on another post. Today, I just wanted you to know what happened to me, I was not wrong in what I believed before, I’ve just entered into more and so can you. Thank you Prophet Ron McGatlin, you have been saying it for many years and now it is here.

When my mind begins to drift to things other than Him, I remind myself, that He wouldn’t say it, if He wasn’t going to do it!