When I was younger we had a phrase we would say, maybe you said it or heard it. We would say, “That was so yesterday; that was so last week.” We were indicating what was being said was old news. Living in a culture in which news is 24/7 on multiple media platforms from local, national and international to social, we are inundated with news and it comes at us so fast and it leaves us so fast. But God does not speak for the sake of hearing Himself talk, He speaks because He is going to act.

Last month there was so much hype around the Great American Eclipse. We all fixed our eyes on the sky to watch the sun grow dark over multiple cities called Nineveh. The judgment of God was pronounced yet again on America, but like so many other events, this one has come and gone and some would say, as I am about to revisit this subject, “That is so yesterday, that is so last week.” It is only old news if God is not making it new news or good news for us. We must be a people that can hear the voice of God, for He is sharing good news 24/7 if only we have ears to hear.

I was relaxing yesterday afternoon and I grabbed my bible and read the book of Nahum. Nahum is an old testament prophet whose name means comfort. In his short three chapter prophetic word, Nahum shares an oracle about Nineveh that he received from God. I was reading this prophetic word about Nineveh and the Holy Spirit said, “I have not forgotten that I said I was judging Nineveh (which is another name for the Babylonian system), its time to share the good news again!”

I pondered what I was reading and I am sharing this because we need to realize the Great American Eclipse that went over 8 or more cities called Nineveh may be old prophetic news to us, but it is still really good prophetic news to God and He has not forgotten what He said. Nahum 1:15 “Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace! Celebrate your feasts, O Judah; Pay your vows. For never again will the wicked one pass through you; He is cut off completely.” The day is coming when Babylon will fall and the wicked will be cut off and the righteous will establish righteousness on earth as it is in heaven. This is not some millineal reign, this is a generational promise for us. This is good news!