Faith! Such a powerful word packed with so much authority, yet in many ways so elusive. It is a common word in the Christian church and is said frequently among believers. But what is faith exactly, practically? I have faith, I know I do, for me faith meant I believe in Jesus, I trust His word. Yet, I knew there was more to this word and what the Lord has been showing me I want to share with you. This is not some huge revelation for most, but for me it is added flesh to this spirit word that has always been in my life, it is how I walk, but never really could explain in concrete simple language. I hope this helps you as it has helped me tremendously.

Faith is confidence in God and in His word! Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen.” Faith is substantive, it is strong, it is steady, and it is evidence of the invisible. Faith is confidence in God and in His word. Simple!

Is it any wonder the enemy seeks to steal, kill and destroy our confidence in God’s word, God’s power, God’s people, God’s church, God’s government? Answered prayer gives us confidence God hears us; miracles, signs and wonders gives us confidence God sees us; financial breakthroughs tell us God is with us; salvations tells us God is for us and not against us. But day to day when we pray and we don’t see what we say, it erodes our confidence.

My friends, we need some wins, kingdom of God wins. Not another platform revival where we have great services in a building, but no impact in our families or communities. We need some wins in our marriages; we need some wins in raising our children; we need some wins in our jobs; we need some wins in our health; we need some wins in our dreams coming true; we all need some wins. Wins are not just for some, God is for us all and He wins and He wants us to win. I am praying for you and please pray for me, that whatever a win looks like for you or for me, that God would give us some wins, for it will cause our faith, which is our confidence, to grow and Jesus said, when I come will I find “FAITH” on earth, so our wins are for His glory!