The Bible is the all time number one selling book worldwide! It is also the most weaponized book in the world. These pages; these words; these authors; carry such revelation, power and authority, people fight each other to be right about what they read. Denominations are created based on what people believe is said in this one book called the Bible. The enemy uses this book to find strategy and then twists it for an evil plot. I love the Bible more than any other book, it is the only book I read literally everyday, why because it is full of life.

The Bible is not written by dead men or living men; the Bible is authored by the breath of God, the living word, the resurrected Christ, a current reality people were talked about in this ancient manuscript. There are more books that could have been written and probably were written that didn’t make it into this codex we call the Bible. John said, “Jesus did many others things as well. If everyone one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” (John 21:25). So there is even more than these 66 books, but these are the ones we read, we preach, we teach. Oh how I love my Bible.

The Bible is the greatest generational echo we will ever hear. It was written or spoken many many many years ago, yet we in our generation pick up the echo and speak it forth as though it was written today. David said in Psalm 22:30-31 “Posterity will serve Him; It will be told of the Lord to the coming generation. They will come and will declare His righteousness To a people who will be born, that He has performed it.” Friends we are not the first nor the last generation, but we are an echo of what has been said and we are speaking into what will be heard by a generation not yet born. Oh the power of God’s words. I pray we carry the echo from history and enjoy it in our current reality and then speak it so a future generation can enjoy the echo as well. The word of God is a multi-generational echo that knows no end, just like its author, God Himself!