There is a chaos crushing anointing that has been released on the earth. People of peace are crushing chaos in every area of society. Peace triumphs over chaos and the Lord has prepared a people of peace to crush chaos just as Paul said in Romans 16:20 “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.”

I was in prayer this morning and the Lord spoke to me that “Waste is evidence of chaos and it takes peace to prosper and remain prosperous.” Anxiety, fear, doubt, shame, guilt, trepidation, arrogance, anger, criticism, bitterness, are all spirits of chaos that rob us of our prosperity. 3 John 2 says, “May you prosper even as your soul prospers.” The enemy loves to throw us into chaos so he can steal from us the resources God has given us. Peace is the answer to chaos. Peace crushes chaos.

Peace is self-control; peace is ruling over that which God has made you responsible for; peace is truth in our innermost being; peace is a mind at rest. Friends if we want to prosper we must be at peace. Peace precedes prosperity of body, soul, spirit and substance. We must be a people of peace and that is why the God of peace is crushing chaos under our feet.

The days of chaos are over and the era of peace is here. However, we must enter into the peace. We are so accustomed to chaos when peace shows up it is hard to enter into because we have lived in chaos for so long. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Striving is chaos; self-promotion is chaos; we must lean on and into the God of peace, who is the Prince of Peace who lives inside of us. Chaos is not compatible with peace this is why we are not operating by design. So, I declare peace be still to every storm inside of you in Jesus name. Peace is your portion and will bring you prosperity.